Whether you’re planning your first, fifth or fifteenth marathon or fun run, the biggest determinant of your success will be your training. The effort you put in weeks and months before the race will be reflected in your experience on the day; preparing well is therefore essential.
Here are some foolproof tips from our Physio’s to help you get the most out of your goals on the big day:
Have a plan
There are lots of marathon training plans available, and experienced runners can even create their own. Having a schedule helps to keep you on track and tells you what progress you can expect to make as the weeks pass. Check out the Melbourne Marathon website for some inspiration from Australian marathon legend Steve Moneghetti.
Increase your training slowly and consistently to minimise risk of injury
Setting realistic targets also helps to prevent you doing too much, too fast, too soon and becoming disillusioned with running. Small, achievable increases are part of a good running schedule.
Variety is key
Whatever your training program, variety should be a key element. Include some tempo runs, some runs at race pace and some long runs to keep yourself entertained as well as prepared for a number of different events.
Make long runs part of your training to avoid a shock on the day
Long runs may seem boring or feel difficult to fit into your schedule, but you need to get used to running for hours at a time, ahead of race day. There aren’t any hard and fast rules as to how long your long runs should be, but consider how long you expect to take to complete the marathon and build on your times as your training progresses.
Reduce your training as race day approaches
A commitment to regular training is ideal, but don’t forget to taper your training as race day approaches. According to Runner’s World, a Ball State University study found that tapering can improve performance. Even if you’re feeling invincible, don’t assume more is better: aim to scale back the training around three weeks before race day.
Don’t overdo it
On a similar note, don’t overdo it when it comes to your running schedule. There is definitely such a thing as over-training and it can leave you tired, ill or injured for the race itself. Rest and recovery days are an essential part of training: feeling constantly exhausted is not.
Pay attention to your body
If something doesn’t feel right, don’t just carry on regardless. Increasing your rest days and seeing a sports professional such as a physiotherapist early on can prevent a niggle from becoming an injury.
Its smart to start small
New runners hoping to tackle a marathon will find it very helpful to complete a half-marathon first. Schedule a half-marathon around a month before race day, if possible. The rest periods around a half-marathon can be beneficial, as well as the mental boost of the achievement. It can also count as one of your long runs!
Our expert Physio’s are here to help you get the most out of your next run, so if you have any pre-race niggles or just need some tips on how to put your best foot forward, call us on (03) 8554 0111 to book an appointment.
Source: http://www.activatebootcamps.melbourne/how-to-train-for-melbournes-upcoming-marathons/