Falling for Physio!

Balance and Fall Prevention | Platinum Physio

blog 0005 Layer 2 - Falling for Physio! - Platinum PhysioPhysiotherapy for Falls Prevention

Did you know one in three people aged >65 will have a fall each year?

Studies have shown that older people who lead sedentary lifestyles and have low fitness levels are at much greater risk of falling!

How can I reduce my risk of falling?

As we get older, some factors such as reaction time and coordination may decline, which can increase our risk of falling. However, there are so many modifiable factors that you can start addressing now! From simple things like changing poorly fitted footwear to starting an exercise program to address poor strength.

Physiotherapists are highly trained in educating people on falls prevention as well as tailoring an exercise program to address your needs! Research has shown that Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in improving your confidence and independence, as well as reducing your risk of falls!

So, if you or a loved one has experienced a fall or a close call recently, our team of experienced Physios can offer you the education and advice you need to prevent falling and confidently live the life you love!

How can Platinum Physio help me?

In order to understand your baseline and tailor an individualised program, we will get you to come in for an assessment with one of our experienced Physios, which will include:

  • A full assessment of your current level of balance and mobility; particularly looking at your stability, strength, endurance and flexibility, so we can determine what you need to work on!
  • Determining what things may be contributing to your falls risk and implementing modifications to reduce this risk!
  • Education and advice to understand how you can prevent falls and why they may occur

Following, your initial assessment, we have several options to continue your ongoing education and exercise program to stay strong and active! These include:

  • 1:1 Physiotherapy and/or Hydrotherapy: Continue to see one of our physios on a one to one basis to challenge your balance, improve your mobility and independence and progress your exercises!
  • Hydrotherapy Groups: Exercising in the pool can be a great way to improve your confidence within the safe and buoyant environment that the water offers! Our hydro groups offer the opportunity to challenge your balance within a controlled and supervised environment.
  • Balance and Mobility Groups – Balance Basics and Balance Plus: These groups are designed specifically to keep you moving and reduce your risk of falling at whatever level suits your needs. They allow you to exercise in a safe environment, supervised by our highly experienced Physios, where you will focus on balance, strength, flexibility and endurance!
  • Balance Essentials sessions: offer an intensive, smaller group environment and is perfect for beginners! These sessions have a strong educational component to help you avoid falling and are designed to introduce you to the different elements of the balance and mobility exercise program!
  • Tai Chi: Looking for something a bit different? Try our Physio led Tai Chi groups! Tai Chi incorporates slow, gentle movements with a focus on challenging your balance. The unique style of Platinum Tai Chi, focuses on mind and body in collaboration with your goals and comes with the added benefit of staying strong and active!




Level 1, 6-10 Chapel Street Windsor VIC 3181


2/643 Nepean Highway Brighton East VIC 3187


863 Glenhuntly Road Caulfield VIC 3162

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